Words ending with: ent

11 letter words that end with ent

magnificent measurement mellifluent misjudgment multiclient multivalent myofilament nonadjacent nonaffluent nonargument noncoherent nonexistent nonresident nourishment obsolescent omnipresent overgarment overpayment overviolent pearlescent pentavalent plenipotent pluripotent predicament preemergent preexistent prejudgment presentient presentment procurement pulverulent radiolucent realignment recruitment reenactment reequipment refrainment refreshment reminiscent replacement requirement rescindment resplendent restatement reviviscent rubefacient startlement subbasement subservient substituent superjacent temperament tetravalent traducement translucent transparent unabsorbent viridescent

10 letter words that end with ent

abiturient abonnement abridgment abstergent accrescent accruement accusement acquitment additament adjudgment adjustment adolescent advisement affeerment alightment allurement ambivalent ambushment amercement anointment antecedent arctangent arrestment assessment assignment assoilment assortment astringent attachment attainment attornment attunement avouchment babblement bafflement banishment battlement bemusement beneficent benevolent betterment cajolement candescent cantonment circumvent coalescent coexistent coincident commitment complacent complement compliment concurrent conferment consequent consistent contingent convenient convergent coresident couplement debasement debatement decampment decrescent defacement defilement definement defrayment delinquent denotement denouement denudement department deployment deportment derailment descendent designment despondent detachment detainment devotement disbarment discontent disownment dissolvent divestment effacement embalmment embankment embarkment embodiment embossment employment encampment encasement encashment encystment endearment engagement engulfment enjambment enlacement enlistment enmeshment enrichment enrollment enserfment entailment enticement entombment entrapment equipotent equivalent escapement escarpment evanescent evolvement excitement excrescent experiment famishment flocculent florescent fraudulent frutescent government habiliment harassment idempotent imbruement immurement impairment impalement impartment impediment impenitent inapparent incitement incoherent increscent indictment inducement ineloquent inexistent infrequent ingredient insentient instalment instrument integument intendment internment investment iridescent irreverent liquescent malcontent maleficent malevolent management medicament monovalent munificent noncurrent nonpayment nonstudent nonviolent obtainment omnificent omnipotent omniscient opalescent ordainment outpatient overpotent parliament parturient percipient persistent polyvalent preachment preeminent preferment prepayment prevenient procumbent proficient propellent puberulent punishment putrescent puzzlement rabblement ravagement ravishment reargument rearmament recoupment refinement regalement resentment reshipment respondent retirement revealment revilement securement seducement settlement signalment solacement stepparent subsegment subsequent subsistent sufficient superagent supplement tanglement totipotent tournament turgescent unaffluent unapparent undecadent unfoldment vicegerent wilderment wonderment

9 letter words that end with ent

abasement abashment abatement abhorrent abodement absolvent absorbent abstinent accumbent acidulent addlement adnascent adornment adsorbent advertent affixment agistment agreement albescent alignment alinement allayment allotment amassment amazement amendment amusement annulment apartment ascendent assurgent atonement avirulent battement besetment blastment canescent catchment competent component condiment confident confluent congruent connivent continent copayment copresent corpulent cotangent debarment decrement decumbent decurrent deferment deficient dehiscent demulcent dependent detergent determent deterrent detriment devilment different diffident disorient dissident divergent ebullient efficient effulgent ejectment elopement embayment embedment emollient emolument enactment endowment enjoyment enrolment equipment excellent excipient excrement excurrent expedient extolment feoffment firmament flatulent fleshment fundament godparent hardiment hatchment ignescent impatient impendent implement imprudent incipient inclement increment incumbent incurrent indulgent inpatient insistent insolvent insurgent interlent interment inurement judgement lineament lodgement merriment misorient negligent newsagent nilpotent nonurgent nutriment occurrent overspent parchment permanent pertinent pestilent placement precedent prepotent prescient president prevalent profluent prominent proponent provident pubescent quiescent ravelment recipient recumbent recurrent refulgent remitment remittent renascent repayment repellent represent resilient resolvent resurgent revetment rousement rufescent sacrament senescent sentiment somnolent splendent statement strewment stringent subjacent subpotent succedent succulent tervalent testament transient treatment trivalent truculent tumescent turbulent uncomment uncurrent underwent univalent virescent worriment

8 letter words that end with ent

abducent abetment abutment accident acescent adducent adherent adjacent afferent affluent agrement alaiment aperient apparent appetent argument armament averment bailment basement besprent bivalent bodement casement cerement

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